Fostering and Adoption News
At Emmanuel Church we care deeply about building and strengthening family life across Brighton and Hove and Shoreham. It forms a major strand of the work of Care for our City, and we have two exciting bits of news to share.
Firstly, our very own Matt Davis has been featured on the fantastic ‘Other People’s Kids’ podcast this week, sharing about his family’s adoption journey, and it is well worth a watch / listen!
Secondly, we have been delighted to welcome the wonderful Fostering and Adoption team from Brighton and Hove City Council to visit our church sites. The team visited the Christian Action Brighton (CAB) gathering in March this year to share their strong desire for Christian fosterers and adopters in the city.
In May they joined Neve Lawther (our Care for our City Family strand organiser) at our Clarendon Centre site to start conversations with our members about how they can ‘play their part’ in seeing Jesus’ Kingdom come in the lives of children who need families and homes in our city. The team will be visiting the Oasis site on Sunday 14th July and there are plans to visit the Villas site in Hove in September.
If you have questions or are interested in exploring fostering and adoption and the part you might play, get in touch with us at